School of Information System, SMU
Supported by LARC in Singapore Management University, I begin to pursue
the Ph.D degree at 2012 in Information System School of SMU. My supervisor
is Assistant Professor:
Cheng Shih-Fen.
I obtained my BSc degree at University of Science and Technology of China(USTC),
majoring Computer Science and Technology in 2012.
My research topic is understanding people's behavior according to their trajectory in certain context. Currently I am working on the issue to explore the movement of people flow during their leisure time in theme park.
My research interest is in the area of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence.
Courses selected at SMU
Prof. Lau Hoong Chuin: Decision Support and Optimization (Fundamental),
Prof. Kauffman: Information System and Management (Fundamental)
Prof. Pang Hwee Hwa: Information Storage and Retrieval (Fundamental)
Prof. CHENG Shih-Fen: Observing and Learning Behavior of Visitors in Theme Parks
CHENG Shih-Fen(Supervisor)
LAU Hoong Chuin(Co-Supervisor)
Wei Xie(Classmate)
Other Links:
Xing Kai(supervisor in USTC)
Yan Jin(Friend)